Amman Pharmaceutical Industries received a number of students from the University of Science and Technology "College of Pharmacy" Where the Director General, Dr. Fadi Al-Atrash, expressed his happiness at receiving the students and explaining the frameworks of communication between the theoretical and practical aspects of the study. The visit also included scientific activities and an introductory lecture about the company, its various divisions, its most important pharmaceutical products, and a detailed explanation of good manufacturing practices. The visit also included a tour of the research and development departments and quality control laboratories for the products, and the production lines and manufacturing stages were reviewed #AmmanPharma #API #pharmaceuticalindustry #pharmaceutical

زيارة من طلاب جامعه الى المصنع

استقبلت شركة عمان للصناعات الدوائية عددا من طلاب جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا “كلية الصيدلة”

حيث أعرب المدير العام الدكتور فادي الأطرش عن سعادته بإستقبال الطلبة وشرح أطر التواصل بين الجانب النظري والتطبيقي للدراسة.

كما وتضمنت الزيارة فعاليات علمية ومحاضرة تعريفية عن الشركة واقسامها المختلفة واهم منتجاتها الدوائية وشرح مفصل عن ممارسات التصنيع الجيد.

كما و شملت الزيارة جولة في أقسام البحث و التطوير و مختبرات مراقبة الجودة للمنتجات وتم الاطلاع على خطوط الإنتاج ومراحل التصنيع

AmmanPharma #API #pharmaceuticalindustry #pharmaceutical

7 - Amman Pharmaceutical Industries API
3 - Amman Pharmaceutical Industries API
Amman Pharmaceutical Industries received a number of students from the University of Science and Technology "College of Pharmacy" Where the Director General, Dr. Fadi Al-Atrash, expressed his happiness at receiving the students and explaining the frameworks of communication between the theoretical and practical aspects of the study. The visit also included scientific activities and an introductory lecture about the company, its various divisions, its most important pharmaceutical products, and a detailed explanation of good manufacturing practices. The visit also included a tour of the research and development departments and quality control laboratories for the products, and the production lines and manufacturing stages were reviewed #AmmanPharma #API #pharmaceuticalindustry #pharmaceutical

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